Samuel Kuforiji
These Faded Voices
Why didn’t you sing?
she asked me
after the song
after the choir
after the black PowerPoint screens
and the organ music
and the half-full pews
and the quiet that came with asking for grand things
that part of me knew we would not receive.
Why didn’t you sing?
It made her feel self-conscious, she said
To be the only one of us two singing
I agreed,
and I wanted to apologize
because it’s a lonely and frightening thing
to sing alone.
I don’t remember what I said
That I was self-conscious
That I was tired
I don’t know
But the truth was that the words felt unfitting in my mouth
and false
and I didn’t want to
I was embarrassed
because before there was a light in me
and a fire
and now?
Now, I can barely feel it there at all.
Samuel Kuforiji
Samuel Kuforiji is a sophomore pursuing a double major in English and History with a minor in Creative Writing. He loves writing, reading, playing video games, and sleeping. He enjoys using writing to explore his thoughts surrounding religion, personhood, and the world. He's a huge fan of fantasy stories, and he hopes to write his own novel in the future.